Political scenarios by Iran's foreign relations and developments in the region after Saudi Arabic (1391) to the period from 1404 Hijri

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD in Political Geography, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch

2 Associate Professor of Political Geography, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran

3 Master of Laws in Police Management and Faculty Member of Police Science University

4 PhD student of political science at Imam Bagher University (PBUH)


lations between Iran and Saudi Arabia after the revolution has always been associated with fluctuations. In order to conduct scientific research, with the aim of formulating political scenarios under the influence of external relations, Iran and Saudi Arabia following the developments in the region Arabic (1391) to the period from 1404 Hijri, research to answer the question that the most important political scenarios affect relations Iran and Saudi foreign Arabic region to the year 1404 after changes mean? Therefore, research in terms of goal, but in terms of the nature of the application and descriptive - analytic. And the statistical experts and scholars that the first step by the 12 members of the elite important factor in foreign relations, Iran and Saudi reckon and then according to the method of analysis of data from quantitative factors Ehsai between 22 experts qualified in the questionnaire were assessed. The scenario is as follows: The dispute between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the Islamic revolutionary ideology in the next decade will be maintained. Tension in relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia with regard to the situation in the region, in the next decade will increase., With implementation Brjam (January 1394), concerns about Saudi influence regional and global Iran will increase and Saudi Arabia are forced to act differently will., between Iran and Saudi Arabia in the geopolitical Bahrain, Iraq over the next decade continues.


 فهرست منابع:
الف- منابع فارسی
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ج- منابع اینترنتی