The approach of the ground forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran Army in dealing with emerging military threats

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

2 Associate Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Farabi University

3 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences at the Higher University of Strategic Defense

4 Doctoral student of Strategic Defense Sciences of National Defense University


With the emergence of emerging military threats in the last few year, the type of wars has changed due to the advancement of military technologies. In a way, today's wars are aimed at reducing the loss of life and financial losses on behalf of the attacker. The most important step in the ground force is to pay attention to the promotion of knowledge, skills and insights of the staff, especially military commanders. This research has been carried out as "The approach of the IRA ground force against emerging military threats" In this research, in order to achieve the research objectives, two communities of experts and the general statistical population (experts and experts) have been used. The expert population consisted of 12 nezaja commanders and deputies, and the overall statistical population of this study included all deputies, base commanders, lashkars and independent brigades of Nezaja 75 people, which was determined by Cochran formula with error coefficient of 5% of the sample size of the study was 62 people. To collect information and data related to the subject of research, two methods of field and library have been used. As a result of this research, recognition of emerging military threats in the field of Nezaja mission, demands and expectations of upstream documents (supreme commander of the forces and higher-level organizational documents) in the field of emerging military threats, external and internal factors of Nezaja (opportunities and threats, strengths and weaknesses), nezaja strategic objectives in confronting emerging military threats in the military field have been explained.


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