Evaluation and Pathology of Defense Readiness curriculum in General Education

Document Type : Original Article


1 Interior security institute,, holy defense research center

2 Associate Professor of Imam Hussein University (PBUH)


The defense readiness curriculum in the public education system is one of the main platforms for transferring basic and general defense knowledge and skills (active and passive) to the next generation of the country. At present, the quality and quantity of the main elements of the defense readiness curriculum do not meet the defense needs of the country in the field of hard and soft war, and despite the appropriate legal framework, the relevant training does not have a proper place in public education programs. This article is a research report on the activities of the Holy Defense Research Institute and partner organizations in 1397 and 1398. The purpose of research is evaluation and pathology of "defense readiness curriculum" and "teacher training and educational mechanisms" and finally to provide strategic suggestions to achieve the real position of the defense readiness curriculum. The type of research is applied and its data and information have been collected by library and field methods. For this purpose; First, the legal status of the defense readiness course is stated. Then, the main elements of the curriculum are described. After that, the current status of the defense readiness curriculum is described and analyzed based on the field study, and its disadvantages and weaknesses are counted. In the next step, the actions of the research institute in coordination with other competent authorities in relation to the defense readiness curriculum are stated. Finally, strategic proposals are presented to establish the real position of the defense readiness lesson.


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