Principles and effective factors in compiling the military Doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 He holds a PhD in Strategic Defense Sciences from the Higher National Defense University

2 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences Davos Aja


Today, the formulation of a military doctrine is one of the most important responsibilities of the armed forces of the countries of the world, in which most countries of the world, regardless of their size, have taken steps to formulate the military doctrine of the respective country. The Islamic Republic of Iran, in order to guide and support its armed forces on the scene of war, and in general, need to develop a military doctrine to guide and guide how the armed forces will fight in leading battles. Effective, up-to-date, effective military doctrine is one of the key factors for getting defense preparedness and success for the armed forces in the face of any possible war. One of the steps in developing a military doctrine is to consider the principles and factors that influence the formation and formulation of a doctrine.
In a comparative study, it has also been determined that other countries have considered some of the issues as the basis for and effective factors in the formulation of the guidelines or are considered as inputs to the peer review. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to "Explain the foundations and effective factors in formulating the military doctrine of the Islamic Republic of Iran".
The type of research is of application-development type. The research approach in this cross-sectional research (quantitative and qualitative), and the case-based research method, as well as correlation between variables, have been used. The results of the research show that the effective principles in formulating the military doctrine of Islamic Republic of Iran (school, national and organizational) are: Islamic Defense Thought, Defensive Thought, Revolution Imam, Idea, National Goals and Resources, Defense-Defense Strategies, Major Defensive-Security Policies, National Strategies and Laws (Constitution, Current Rules of the Armed Forces),The factors influencing the formulation of the military strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran (organizational, sub-institutional) include: Environmental factors, technology level, imagination of the nature of future wars, geopolitical, geopolitical and geostrategic features of the country, national mobilization capability, military objectives, military experiences, existing military strategy, defense capabilities and abilities of the country.


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