Artsh Islamic Republic of Iran in accordance with asymmetric threatsKhatmalanbya’Yganhay HvayyIdentification and evaluation of important factors and indices feisty defense headquarters of the major Ansany

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Student of National Defense - Higher National Defense University

2 Army Dafos faculty member


This research has been done toRecognizethe most importantfactors and indexesof agility for manpower of major units of Khatam Al Anbia(PBUH)Air Defense headquarters .this study is  important ,because  it canaffect the activities of the country's air defense mission,The type of the study is an  applied research  and has been done by the underlying case.
Data collection analysis has been accomplished based on calculating the scores mean, test's statistics and determining the relationship between factors through the use of Spearman correlation coefficient.
Ultimately, the result of research determinedtwofactorsas the most important agile factors. The first is “The characteristics of human resources (with 4 indexes) “and the other is “discipline (with 7 indexes).
A strong relationship between the factors is detected.  And also by  using indices derived, the agility of  manpower in major units  has been assessed  ,Ultimately the situations  of 8 Indexes  were  inappropriate and in 3 Indexes  wereAppropriate.


  • فهرست منابع

    الف- منابع فارسی

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