The Strategies for the scientific and knowledge Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader.


1 Assistant Professor of National Security Studies at the National Defense University

2 PhD in Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

3 PhD in Strategic Management, National Defense University

4 Graduate student of one-year strategic management course at the National Defense University


Empowering the process is to continuously improve the organization's performance by developing and extending the competence-based competency of individuals and groups. One of the most important sources and sources of youth empowerment is the views of the highest decision-making authorities in the country. in place. Iran, with its full command of power, has a certain intellectual system that familiarity with it can play a decisive role in the nature of the strategies for empowering the young generation of the armed forces. The main objective of this research is to achieve the "scientific and knowledge Empowerment's" strategies of the young generation of armed forces from the perspective of the Supreme Leader. This research is a applied-developmental. The statistical society has been selected theoretically and purposefully, and to achieve the results, the fundamental data method has been used by using the mixed technique (qualitative and quantitative methods). The result shows that the empowerment of the young generation of armed forces must necessarily take place within the framework of a systemic attitude (using all four mechanical, organic, project, and process approaches) and in accordance with the organizational and national conditions and ideals. With this in mind, the certainty of each of the approaches in the framework of the system approach is appropriate to the circumstances, subject, and organization of the target


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