The Impact of Multimedia Training on Reducing ulnerability in Aviation Management Capacity (Case Study of Air Disasters and Events)

Document Type : Original Article


PhD student in Passive Defense Strategic Management at Higher National Defense University


Multimedia education techniques are used to create effective structures for images, texts, graphs and other educational resources to help learners to better understand their content visually in the information resources available in educational books so that they can use effective tools in educational applications. The effective factors in improving the management capacity of the aviation industry are the use of tools to reduce the number of accidents and air events and increase their safety factor (given the importance of the subject). Based on this, the present paper aims to "explain the factors of multimedia education that impact on reducing the vulnerability of aeronautical management." By studying the theoretical foundations in this field, how to use flight training from multimedia training and compilation learning and exploiting this approach to reducing disasters Air has been dealt with. This applied research was done by case-land survey method and the statistical population of the study consisted of 36 faculty members and faculty members at Shahid Sattari Airfield Faculty and air accident investigators. The data gathering method was library and field studies, and the data were analyzed using a descriptive statistics. The results of this research indicate that there is a significant relationship between multimedia training and reducing air accidents and ultimately increasing the management capability of the aeronautical industry.


فهرست منابع
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