Strategic and Efficient Factors in Securing Basic Needs (Food) from the Passive Defense Standpoint with the Focus on the Resistive Economy

Document Type : Original Article


1 Professor of Regional Planning at Tehran Universit

2 Ph.D. Student, Strategic Management, Nonprofit Defense, National Defense University


Global and regional trends as well as domestic conditions of Islamic Republic has benefited our national power and Was against west liberal democracy’s interests. Therefore in today’s world where social and economic crisis in west on one hand and Islamic awakening in strategic region of South-west Asia and north Africa on the other, has increased west’s concerns. USA and its western allies have triggered their last shot, a complicated sanctions regime, against Iran which is a combination of real sanctions and propaganda war. They were intended firstly to turn the people against the government and using propaganda and psychological warfare accuse Iran of being irresponsible toward its own people therefore weakening people backing of the government, they intended to force our country to answer to their evil requests.
The goal of this research is to explain the strategic and efficient factors in securing basic and essential needs (food) from the passive defense standpoint with the focus on the resistive economy in order to confront the enemies’ economic sanctions. It is a descriptive and analytical research in a form of internal factors (Strength and weaknesses) and external factors (opportunities and threats) and uses the remarks of a sample group of 15 individual - experts on passive defense subjects - out of a 50 people statistical population.
Results show that explaining enemies goals, encouraging public to support national prestige, making the use of domestically produced goods a popular culture, making the development of agriculture industry and investment on strategic goods production a priority, managing foreign-exchange reserves for people basic needs and purchasing essential commodities and facing profiteering and the profiteers are some of the efficient factors to confront the enemies’ economic sanctions for promptly securing, sufficiently storing and efficiently distributing the basic and essential needs with the focus of foods..


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