The strategic role of the Air Force in the political dimension of the national power of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the eight years of holy defense

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor of the Higher National Defense University and deputy of the Holy Defense Science and Education Research Institute

2 Lecturer at the Higher National Defense University

3 Assistant Professor of National Defense University


The purpose of this research is to explain the strategic role of Nahaja in supporting the political dimension of the national power of the Islamic Republic of Iran during the eight years of holy defense, and since the research seeks to analyze a phenomenon that started in the past and ended in the past, in a historical way - An analysis has been done. This research is of an applied-developmental type, and two communities of experts and the community of experts have been used in carrying it out.
The results of the research show that the Air Force successfully performed its extraterritorial role by conducting complex operations such as Kaman-99 and H-3 in Iraq. Therefore, the enemy did not dictate the mission to Nahaja. Rather, it was Nahaja who dictated the mission to the enemy, and because of this, he was able to disrupt Iraq's strategy and disrupt their estimates and plans. The fact that Nahaja was present in the depth of Iraqi soil was a great blow to Iraq's political prestige, which could not be achieved with any other political force or coalition. The air force caused a decrease in Saddam's popularity in Iraq and the Arab world by giving Saddam political and dignified blows.
This force even played a role in changing Iraq's foreign policy and forced Iraq to change its political positions towards Egypt and offer to re-admit Egypt to the Arab League; Because he wanted to use the experience of Egypt in the war with the Zionist regime against the crushing attacks of the Air Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran and, with the support of this country, deal with the brave pilots of the Air Force.


  • فهرست منابع:

    الف- منابع فارسی

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