Present of Supreme Leader’s Mental System in Field Of Corresponding Relations of Society and Arm Services

Document Type : Original Article


Ph.D. student of strategic management of the National Defense University


Every society has ingredient and elements and the most important influence element in Islamic socity is arm services that their responsibility is sequre the society and oppose with threat and relation, integrity and people support are necessary for accomplish it competently.
Forming of Islamic society is the most important of supreme leader Emam KhAMENEHE’s apprehension that the humans gain moral accomplishment. On the other side, arm services must play a distinction role for security, glory and suthority.
The main purpose of this research is making clear of supreme leader Emam KhAMENEHE’s mental system in field of relation and integrity of socity with arm services and determine of effective factors in this field.
This research is application type and its method is grounded theory that the researchers in three phases have labored the collection of statement, writtens and messages and … by » HADIS VELAYAT « software through library studing and in research conclusion by statics of 467 consept, measure aims and quality of Islamic society in supreme leader’s opinion and have presented the effective factors in field of integrity between society and arm services.


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ب – سایت
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