Provide an organization's upgrade template for future combat wars

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated Ph.D. Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

2 Associate Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

3 Associate Directorate of Human Resources at the National Defense University


A comprehensive plan that will provide all aspects of the armed forces' readiness to enter the battle scene in the future.
It is necessary and inevitable. The main purpose of the present research is to present a model for promoting organization for combat in future wars
The research carried out is in terms of application-developmental type. And the method of doing this case study is grounding and solidarity.
The statistical population is composed of experts and experts in the field of military science who have an article, compilation or research project in relation to the subject of research and have at least 20 years of work experience in the field of research and at least a graduate degree is 120.
And at two levels of the General Staff of the Armed Forces as the strategic level and the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as the operational level and about 120 people. The sampling method in this research was targeted to be a snowball to saturation A commentary continues.
To collect and complete the research literature and present the conceptual model of the research, the library study method was used, using all scientific and specialized books, scientific articles, and ... with vector scan.
The data was collected using field research method using a researcher-made questionnaire and its questions were prepared using the Likert spectrum.
The content validity coefficients of the indexes increased from the minimum content factor (0.59), and had a meaningful validity.
For reliability, the semi-split method was used. The final design of the research was presented using 4 dimensions, 12 components and 39 indicators.


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