The Impact of Iran-Russia Defense Cooperation on Iran's Geopolitical Strategy. (Centered on oil and gas).

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD student in Political Geography, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch

2 Faculty Member and Associate Professor, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.

3 Faculty Member and Professor, Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran, Iran.


The different interests of Iran and Russia in Syria have led their armed forces to joint military operations in a country that does not share a common border, which indirectly contributes to Iran's geopolitical strategy for exporting energy to Europe and East Asia This research, by content analysis method, seeks to answer the question of how Iranian-Russian military cooperation has an impact on Iran's geopolitical strategy? The research results indicate that defense cooperation between Iran and Russia has affected geopolitical strategy of energy (oil and gas) and has pushed Iran's regional energy policy toward a kind of confrontation with the United States and its allies. As opposed to investing in any project that ends with the export of oil and gas from Central and Caucasus countries from Iran to the world markets, on the one hand, under the influence of close military cooperation between Iran and Russia, the rivalry of the two countries in the energy dimension Particularly in the gas field, so that, in the context of understanding economic foundations, and in the first place, adopting an equitable, rational and inconsistent energy strategy that could be their most fundamental step towards a strategic alliance, there is a great deal of concern


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ب- سایت‌ها:
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-وب سایت RT، 2012) /september/2012
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