The guiding elements for Key Infrastructure Protection of Metropolitan

Document Type : Original Article


1 دکتری مدیریت راهبردی پدافند غیرعامل دانشگاه عالی دفاع ملّی

2 Associate Professor and faculty member of the Higher National Defense University


The strategic plan is the result of the strategic planning work for strategic management in which several topics and components are defined, explained or prescribed. An important part of this planning is to explain or determine things such as principles, foundations, doctrine, values, policies and goals (qualitative and quantitative), which are called guiding elements.
In the for Key Infrastructure Protection of Metropolitan Against Threats, one of the sub-goals is to achieve the guiding elements of the plan in the form of principles, values, objectives and vision, which due to the importance of each of these components in this research, only to present the principles and The values governing the plan have been discussed.
The method of this research is descriptive-analytical, and the necessary data in this research has been collected using documentary and library studies, questionnaires, interviews and intellectual interaction with elites in the field of urban infrastructure.
In order to calculate the principles through the review and analysis of the upstream research documents in the field of infrastructure protection, and for the calculation of the values, the analysis of the interpretation of the verses of the Holy Quran and the statements and guidelines of Imam Khamenei in the field of the city and urban infrastructures has been done, the results of which are after Review and analysis, validation and prioritization are presented in the form of 10 principles and 9 values.


 فهرست منابع:
الف- منابع فارسی
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