The leader-oriented (Faqih-oriented) armed forces theory based on Imam Khamenei’s views

Document Type : Original Article


1 Ph.D. student of strategic management of passive defense of the National Defense University

2 Graduated from the Strategic Military Management of the National Defense University

3 Ph.D. student of strategic management of the National Defense University


The necessity to Islamize theories using a native approach, especially in the crucial task of defending the creed of Islam, is the general interest of the society and Islamic Republic of Iran’s armed forces. The use of Islamic texts in new areas of defense is a critical need .Since achieving the best of the Islamic texts requires a special expertise, this research focusing on the speeches of Imam Khamenei is trying to present the leader-oriented (Faqih-oriented) armed forces theory based on grounded theory method.This is one of the methods that is capable of being used in Islamic Researches. In this research, for open coding, the documental analysis method and for axial coding and classification of the factors and determining the relations between dimensions and measurements, expert testing and for selective coding process multi options have been used. The results of the study shows 13 dimensions and 29 measurements and the achievement is the theory of the leader-oriented armed forces based on the mentioned dimensions and measurements that can support the modelling of mutual relations of the society and Islamic Republic of Iran’s armed forces.
