Explanation of the intellectual foundations of Western military thought

Document Type : Original Article


1 researcher

2 دکترای علوم دفاعی راهبردی دانشگاه عالی دفاع ملی


Western civilization and thinking is known as the first degree enemy of the Islamic revolution Therefore, knowing more about the military ideology of the colonial powers and addressing this issue is of particular importance. Since the role of intellectual foundations governing any society is one of the important components in the formation of political thought and, accordingly, its military thought.In order to know the nature and truth of the West, its constituent elements and characteristics must be examined, researched and identified.Therefore, explaining the intellectual foundations of Western military thought is a problem that this article deals with. Accordingly, the main question of this research is: What are the intellectual foundations of Western military thought? In order to answer this question, the research was conducted with a qualitative method and by studying the views of Western thinkers and Western scholars, taken from written works and using Maxquda software. The research findings show that: "Domination of the resources and strategic points of the world", "Military intervention to protect the interests" ,...as the intellectual foundations of the Western military thought, which originate from materialism, have taken 51% of the counted themes. which shows that the fundamental principle of the intellectual foundations of Western thought is materialism. On the other hand, "Imposing war under the pretext of expanding democracy","defensive preventive intervention and preemptive war". As another part of the intellectual foundations of Western military thought, which originate from humanism and 49% of the counted themes have been allocated to themselves This indicates the importance of humanist intellectual foundations in Western military thought.


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