Strategic pattern in the organizing the cultural heritage and tourism affairs on the experiences of the Islamic republic of Iran system

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduate Doctor of Strategic Defense Management, Higher National Defense University

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Theology, University of Tehran, Doctor of Jurisprudence and Principles of Islamic Law, University of Tehran

3 Assistant Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Higher Education, National Defense University


Cultural heritage is considered to be the symbol of the history, civilization, and background of each country. The policy of maintaining and keeping this heritage, guarantees not only the cultural dimension of each country but also its future economy and status among other countries. Islamic republic of Iran with its historical attractions and enriched culture, diverse natural attractions, unique artifacts has the capacity to become a universal destination and enjoy the cultural heritage and tourism benefits. The advancement for accomplishing a strategic pattern in organizing the cultural heritage and tourism affaires based on the experience of the holy system of the Islamic republic of Iran has been conducted with focus on basic theory method.the process of accumulating the data has been conducted according to a goal – oriented sampling an d interviewing 32 managers, officials, university professors, news reports and theoriticians of cultural heritage and tourism office. The obtained data have been put in the process of coding (open, axial, and selective) and after analysis, the final strategic pattern was codified. Based on the extracted results from the basic theory method, a pattern has been presented with focus on the experiences of the system for achieving an effective organization of cultural heritage and tourism.


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