Presentation of the Islamic Republic of Iran's Soft Defense Model Based on Imam Khamenei's Discourse

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University

2 Level 4 area

3 Assistant Professor of Political Science, Imam Hussein University (PBUH)

4 PhD student in Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University


The soft defense discourse of the Islamic Republic of Iran is evolving and orienting due to the hostile soft war against the Islamic Republic of Iran;  Concerns and assertions by the Supreme Allied Command regarding the priority of the soft enemy war against the Islamic Republic of Iran and how to deal with it have shaped the researcher's mind.  In the present age, in line with the spread of enemy soft warfare, if the Islamic Republic of Iran's supreme leader's tactics and manners of soft warfare and how to deal with them (soft defense) become an indigenous and operational model;  Can empower the Islamic Republic of Iran from an aggressive, pre-emptive and deterrent field, in addition to neutralizing the all-embracing soft war strategies and patterns;  Therefore, the issue of the investigation was that the Islamic Republic of Iran did not provide a comprehensive, indigenous and comprehensive model of soft defense based on Imam Khamenei's plan to counter the soft enemy threats and offensive measures against the enemy.  The main purpose of this paper is to develop a model of soft defense of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on the discourse of Imam Khamenei which is defined according to the main question.  Designed.  The research is an applied, developmental, and fundamental research that utilizes a qualitative approach;  This study was conducted using the data base method and coding was done manually;  In this study, the discourse of the Supreme Leader has not been fully explored;  Rather, the researcher has contributed to the discussion of the entry with 436 keywords related to the soft defense of the Islamic Republic of Iran, with the help of elites and experts;  In the process of conducting a researcher dissertation, the questionnaires were distributed as "Theoretical Sensitivity" in five stages from 25 experts in this field to the theoretical saturation.  To determine the model approach, the researcher used the data theory model of the Islamic Research Foundation, Mr. Khanafir et al., A four-branch model to formulate his model.  The obtained model has 6 dimensions, 45 components and 436 indices. Based on the mentioned model, dimensions and components were categorized into four categories: 1 - effective variables 2 - contextual variables 3 - inhibitory variables 4 - results and outcomes.  After adding soft defense approaches and soft defense strategies based on Imam Khamenei's discourse to the model, in addition to formulating the model, the Islamic Republic of Iran's soft defense theory based on Imam Khamenei's discourse was finally presented. The operational model was derived from the final model.


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ج- سایت:
امام خامنه‎ای (مدظله­العالی)، "مجموعه بیانات"، قابل‌دسترسی در:                           -