Recognition of energy context in the field of military from theStandpoint of using nanotechnology capabilities


1 Professor of Microbiology, Imam Hussein University of Technology (PBUH)

2 Assistant Professor of Mathematics, National Defense University

3 Doctor of Military Strategic Management Higher National Defense University

4 Master of Science in Chemistry, P.A.U, India

5 PhD student of Strategic Defense Sciences Higher National University


With the continued trend of developing expansion in the leading countries of science and technology in the world and with gradual appearance of its unique capabilities, especially in the energy field of the military, which means the upgrading of the power of energy resources, high-energy materials of systems and also increasing diversity have emerged the methods of transforming, producing and storing energy systems that using them requires precise consideration of prioritization of the systems with the aim of enhancing military capability and allocating purposeful funds and credits in this field. It is obvious that taking enormous and strategic decisions on this basis, plays an important role in obtaining higher levels of security and military authority in the country and in pursuit of the goals of the 1404 perspective of the Islamic Republic Of Iran. This study is done with the purpose of providing a recognition about energy context in the field of military from the perspective of employing the capabilities of the nanotechnology. This procedure, has tended with a mixed approach at the beginning and in a qualitative way with the use of documents in order to collecting literature and design the conceptual pattern of the search. Then, it goes on with a quantitative method using questionnaire and data collection from sample population which is coincided with the statistical community of the country’s strategic military managers, who are technologist and have a good knowledge about nanotechnology (56 persons). Its analysis has been done by the Advanced “Smart PLS” Software in order to prioritization of different parts of military field based on extent of the impact of this exercise on improving the country’s military capability. The results of this study showed that the highest impact of nanotechnology capabilities in energy context in the field of military is in the systems of ICT and WUA, then in the systems of maritime and army and finally in the systems of aerial, air defense, spatial, military medicine of the country. With the concerning proximity of their load-factor coefficients, it can be concluded that all military parts of the country up to 1404 horizons are largely affected by nanotechnology capabilities in the field of Energy.


فهرست منابع:
الف- منابع فارسی
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