Explaining and Prioritizing the Dimensions and Components of the Hajj and Pilgrimage System of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


1 Doctor of Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University

2 استاد مدیریت گرایش رفتار و عضو هیئت علمی دانشگاه جامع امام حسین

3 Professor of Strategic Management and Faculty Member of Malek Ashtar University of Technology

4 Assistant Professor of Systems Management and Faculty Member of Imam Hussein University of Medical Sciences (AS)


Hajj, as the religion of worship, and a religious and political practice, has a vast capacity for the Islamic world. Hajj pilgrimage and new pilgrimage have been faced with a lot of ups and downs with at least half a century of experience in servicing pilgrims. This issue continues to be a challenge due to the lack of appropriate patterns of scientific research after three decades of revolution. Therefore, the main objective of the research is to explain and prioritize the dimensions and components of the Hajj pilgrimage system of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This issue continues to be a challenge due to the lack of appropriate patterns of scientific research after three decades of revolution. Therefore, the main objective of the research is to explain and prioritize the dimensions and components of the Hajj pilgrimage system of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Accordingly, the present research is applied in terms of the purpose and in terms of the type of data collected, is a combination of qualitative section of the interview protocol of mind-caving with 30 experts. In the quantitative part of the data collection method, Using a questionnaire, a field experiment was conducted. The statistical population of this research consisted of experts, experts and experts in the area of ​​Hajj pilgrimage and pilgrimage, with 80 people and a targeted sampling method. The validity of the research pattern was obtained using SPSS and PLS software. The results of the study showed that among the five dimensions of the system of management system, the "management system", the first priority and other dimensions are "value system", "system of support", "key activities" and "system of environmental interactions" in the next priorities Are. Also, out of 29 components, the components of "monitoring and control", "spirituality", "piloting journey pilgrims", "professionalism and efficiency of the broker" and "responsibility and service of brokers" are respectively Most rated. The most important achievement of this research is the proposal to create a Hajj and pilgrimage brokerage agency..


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