Designing of strategic model of the science and technology Macro policies implementation in the universities of the islamic republic of iran army

Document Type : Original Article


PhD in Strategic Defense Sciences, Higher National Defense University


Providing a context that leads to rectification as well as elimination of threats is one of the most notable human concerns in the developing and changing atmosphere of global power. Types of threats are subject to trends which are formed globally as a result of ever-growing fields of science and technology. The supreme leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, has also summoned stakeholders to reinforce and amass different efficient opinions. For this purpose, general policies of science and technology for the implementation, execution and resolution of issues in this area have been issued. Therefore, considering the need for a local model of implementation of general science and technology policies at AJA universities at a strategic and developmental level, this research aims to “achieve dimensions, components and indicators of the abovementioned model in a mixed way”. With respect to the purpose of this study, it is done in a descriptive-analytical method (applied-development) which is categorized as an exploratory research which leads to exploration of the object structures, dimensions, components and indicators. The data in this qualitative study is gathered through library studies, interviewing experts and phishing. In the next stage, a researcher-made questionnaire whose content validity and reliability were checked using the split-half method and the Gutman test, with coefficient of 0.5 and 0.81, was used. Using structural equation modeling and confirmatory factor analysis, the research hypotheses were investigated and the final model of the research, including 4 dimensions, 14 components and 72 indices was proposed.


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