Development of comprehensive defense strategies in the field of culture

Document Type : Original Article


1 Graduated Ph.D. Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University (Corresponding Author)

2 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University

3 Graduated Ph.D. Strategic Defense Sciences, National Defense University


The present article is based on a group study
entitled "Definition of comprehensive defense strategies in the possible future
war", which addresses the cultural domain of comprehensive defense, And
cultural influential factors in comprehensive defense from the wars of early
Islam, the statements of Imam Khomeini, the Supreme Leader, eight years of holy
defense and the recent 25-year wars in the West Asia region and the influential
factors of the cultural power of the United States in the cultural field of
comprehensive defense. To formulate strategies, a new methodology has been used
to formulate a valid strategy presented by the National Defense University. The
secondary data collection tool is a scan that collected library data. Also, the
original data collection in this study was interviews and questionnaires that
were gathered using relevant fieldwork. Finally, using 7 weaknesses, 22 cases
of power, 6 cases of opportunity and 7 threats in the cultural field as
environmental factors (internal and external), partial and macro strategies in
the field of comprehensive defense of the defense have been developed


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