Explaining the characteristics of the unequal war of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD, Strategic Defense Management, Higher National Defense University

2 Associate Professor, Strategic Defense Management, Higher National Defense University


The new approach in recent wars, the difference in the ability of countries in terms of technology and the use of weaknesses and vulnerabilities of the enemy, has led to unbalanced wars, this approach has changed the structure of future wars and changed their nature.  On the other hand, the existing literature in the field of strategy and defense has a lot of emphasis on the concept of unequal war. This attention has described the new security and defense conditions governing the relations between countries. Lack of proper understanding of the characteristics of unequal war will not allow achieving political goals with military and operational means. Proper understanding of the characteristics of unequal war for countries in war can threaten them as a serious player, the forces of a strong country. Lack of proper understanding of the characteristics of unequal war will not allow achieving political goals with military and operational means. Proper understanding of the characteristics of unequal war for countries in war can threaten them as a serious player, the forces of a strong country. And impose deterrence and defeat on a strong competitor.
Therefore, the purpose of this study is to "explain the characteristics of unequal war in the Islamic Republic of Iran."
The type of research is applied-developmental, the spatial scope of the research is at the level of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the research method is descriptive-analytical with a mixed approach. Has been,
Then, a questionnaire was used to explain the characteristics of unequal warfare in which the construct validity and content of the pre-presentation questionnaire were calculated to the sample size and a questionnaire was presented to 40 experts selected by the numerical method.
Then, using Friedman test and expert meetings, 29 characteristics of unequal war in the Islamic Republic of Iran were explained, the most important of which are information warfare, electronic warfare in all dimensions, accuracy, intelligence and high weapons power.


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