Explaining the geopolitical interests of the Zionist regime in the Persian Gulf area

Document Type : Original Article


1 Doctorate in military strategic management, National Defense High University Community Verified icon

2 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences at National Defense University

3 Senior expert in Natural Geography, Payam Noor University, Saqqez


Due to its geopolitical characteristics and strategic importance of the Persian Gulf area in multiple military, political and economic fields, It has always been one of the main centers of international politics and geopolitical interests of countries as a concept for explaining and pursuing their national interests in geographical contexts. In this regard, due to the special (illegitimate) characteristics at the time of its establishment, the Zionist regime has repeatedly drawn policies to increase the vital space and pursue its interests in order to realize geopolitical interests. One of the geographical bases of this regime's goal from the beginning has been the geopolitical area of the Persian Gulf, which with recent developments has increased the hopes of that regime to implement its primary goals in the direction of influence in this region. With these preliminaries, this study seeks to answer the main question, what are the geopolitical interests of the Zionist regime in the Persian Gulf region? In this regard, It uses mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative) and through presenting a questionnaire to the statistical population of 39 experts from the Persian Gulf and West Asia, while coding the questionnaires using spss software. The most important geopolitical interests of the Zionist regime in the Persian Gulf were prioritized as follows: overcoming its strategic geographical isolation in the region,diversification and expansion of the technology export market to the Persian Gulf countries,creating strategic depth in the Persian Gulf area,expanding intelligence-security cooperation with the sheikhdoms of the Persian Gulf under the cover of communication-information exchanges against the Islamic Republic of Iran, dominating the water resources of the Persian Gulf through the establishment of water desalination sources in the Arab countries of the Persian Gulf and monitoring the strategic water area.


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