Qualitative analysis of strategic education methods in national defense universities

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor - SNDU

2 PhD student in higher Assistant Professor of Farhangian Educational Management Department, PO Box 889-14665, Tehran, Iran Email: ali.dolati@cfu,ac.ireducation management, Isfahan University.


The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the methods of strategic education in national defense universities of Iran and the world. In terms of purpose, it is practical and in terms of data collection, the qualitative approach, synthesis research method and semi-systematic method have been used. The population and statistical sample of the research included the national defense universities of Iran and the world, and in order to confirm the validity and reliability of the research, the strategies of Peaty, Thomson and Steve (2012), Charms (2010) and Lincoln and Gaba (1985) were used. These strategies include reliability, trustworthiness, verifiability, and transferability.  All together, it increased the credibility of the research and provided the possibility of transferability of the findings to other similar contexts. The results of the research led to the identification of themes and elements of strategic education methods in national defense universities, these themes in the form of goals and objectives, course content, teaching methods, evaluation methods, space, activity and learning time appropriate to strategic courses. It was organized in national defense universities.


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