A new model for balancing military power with an emphasis on naval power

Document Type : Original Article


1 استادیار علوم دفاعی راهبردی دانشگاه عالی دفاع ملی

2 Assistant Professor in Imam Hosein University(Peace be Upon Him)

3 Assistant Professor in Stratrgic Defense Science, Supreme National Defense University

4 PhD student in Military Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University


Balancing and comparing the military power of countries is done by different institutions based on a series of different components in general and annually in the world, but according to the situation, capacity and other issues and related issues, each country is different from another country. Lack of a native model for this issue causes a computational error in the estimates. The main purpose of this study is to achieve and present a new model for balancing naval power with emphasis on naval power. This is a naval power leveling. This research is applied-developmental and uses interviews, questionnaires and mixed research methods (quantitative and qualitative). With the data collected and analyzed, the donors concluded that naval power consisted of two tangible and intangible "naval" dimensions, which ultimately included two tangible dimensions, components, and indicators. And intangible and with 24 components, of which 14 tangible components and 10 intangible components and 85 indices with 49 tangible indices and 36 intangible indices were confirmed by the sample community and the logical relationship between them, using analytical software.


  • فهرست منابع

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    • "نهج‌البلاغه"
    • "صحیفه سجادیه"
    • فرمایشات حضرت امام خمینی(رحمت ا... علیه)
    • فرمایشات حضرت امام خامنه‌ای(مدظله‌العالی)

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