In the case of progressing in the civil affairs and according to Imam and leader ship , speech , constitutional law experiences of Islamic republic of Iran organization and Utilizing the successful experiences of human


1 Graduate of Passive Defense Strategic Management Degree from Higher National Defense University

2 Doctor of Strategic Management, Higher National Defense University


One of the basic fundamental for progress and development of each country in local and even national section is having assigned native frame work . In our country too , the design of pattern strategic is considered as vital subject for decision , planning and investment policy in field of the progress of civil affairs because many plans have been shaped in the cities which it can not be successful due to the lack of a proper strategy . so in this research it is tried to design a strategic model in relation to progress of the civil affairs based on the discourse of the Imam and leadership ,the constitution of the Islamic Republic of the Iran and explotation from successful experiences of human , until it can to present real and exact created picture of issues , treats and strategic opportunities in this area and help decision makers to provide more beneficial policies  and effective strategies in progressing civil affairs for the country and eventually the Islamic world .
   The present study is developmental practical model and the procedures of gathering data are in farms of library and fields . As well as using an analysis of quantitive and  qualitive and conbination them in getting to government system and in the following use from different analysis methods including content analysis in commands and the methods of discourse  analysis in votes and thoughts of Imam Khomeini and Imam Khamenei and the case method for ussigning experiences .
   In this research , after analysis on thoughts votes and ideas of Imam Khomeini and Imam , Khamenei , triple strategies axes (doctrine , targets and policies ) and the result of reviews experiences , in the Islamic Republic in the field off civil affairs progress in six axis (planning , organization , guidance , coordination , implementation and execution monitoring control and evolution ) extract and for each of them some indexes was proposed . and in direction of public opinion poll this matter reach in experts opinion to assign proper in directors and finally strategic, conceptual model in direction of progress civil affairs was proposed which in addition of having a specific and fix elements , it can be more complete during the time with the needs of the time and the necessity of each step.


فهرست منابع
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