The security model of geopolitical fragile areas studied in the Persian Gulf region


1 Doctorate in Strategic Defense Sciences of the Higher National Defense University

2 Assistant Professor of Strategic Defense Sciences at the Higher National Defense University

3 Doctorate in National Security of the Higher National Defense University


the Persian Gulf is a global strategic region that includes eight countries, From a general point of view and due to its geographical sensitivity and the presence of huge oil and gas reserves, the geostrategic Hormuz Strait is the focus of attention of world powers. The countries of this region form a "geopolitical region" due to their proximity to the blue zone and sharing in its issues and having many geographical commonalities. The energetic feature of this region has caused the intervention of many regional and extra-regional actors and the formation of special security arrangements, which do not include all the countries of the region. This has caused confrontation between regional countries and security threats. Considering the predominance of divergent and convergent factors, the research question is, what security model can be drawn for this region? The descriptive-analytical research method is a contextual case study with a mixed approach. The statistical sample size of 70 people was targeted and the Cronbach's alpha method was used in all stages for the validity of content measurement tools (formal and logical) and reliability. The theoretical framework of the research is based on the theory of regional cooperation and convergence, the theory of regional security complex and the theory of the evolution of geopolitical regions. In order to validate the model, by using structural explanatory equations (SEM), the complex relationships between the elements of this model were determined through the correlation between the components (manifest variables) and dimensions (latent variables), and finally the model was implemented using SmartPLS software and was interpreted by the researcher. Finally, six dimensions, fifty-one components affecting the security model of the Persian Gulf region were counted with an emphasis on geopolitical factors. It is worth mentioning that among the six geopolitical factors, the natural (physical) dimension has the most convergence and the military dimension has the least convergence in the collective security of the Persian Gulf. The prioritization of geopolitical dimensions that are effective in creating security in the Persian Gulf region include: Economic factors, human factors, social cultural factors, political factors (domestic and international), natural (physical) factors, and military factors.


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