Design of research & development system of aerospace industrial organization (AIO) with strategic approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor Malek Ashtar University of Technology

2 Associate Professor of Allameh Tabatabai University

3 PhD student of Higher National Defense University


The aim of organization design or an organization architecture is that organization could value added continuously for present & future of customers and organization could itself organizing and optimizing.  Organization design is process of reshaping organization, rolls, and responsibilities. and effectively is alignment of structure, process, rewards, capability with strategy of organization.
Researching  after study of theory , study of  models of organizational system design , study of research &development system and aerospace of some countries ,also have interviewed    expert people  of inside and outside of organization(customers & suppliers), model of redesign of research & development  system of aerospace industrial organization(AIO) With  strategic approach has presented.
Model of redesign of research & development system of aerospace industrial organization (AIO) with strategic approach has evaluated in expert panel at session of 33 expert people of aerospace industrial organization. Model has three sections, environmental variable, organizational variable and result variable and model has linked between three variables and alignment of them, according of importance in achievement of research and development system to more performance, model has confirmed by expert panel that 13 items of expert panel findings were listed in table


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