lements of Strategic Pattern of Commanding and Management in Islamic Republic of Iran Armed Forces

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant Professor of National Security Studies, Faculty of Farabi Sciences and Technology

2 Graduated from the Ph.D. in Strategic Defense Sciences at the National Defense University


Republic of Iran has created a distinguished and new method of governing and
handling of country affairs. The armed forces as a one of the leading institute
in the country, that always has been in the frontline of fighting with
Imperialism, has placed the principles and fundamentals of commanding and
management based on the Waliy-e- Faghih discourse as their Supreme Commander.
This discourse is a translation of Religious and Islamic teachings and Prophet
(Peace be upon him) and Imams (peace be upon them) Life Style. This article has
used Combined method to gather elements of strategic pattern of commanding and
management in the armed forces and the Grounded Teory methodology is the
dominant method. Considering the statistical universe of this study, it has
estimated that there are 200 experts in this field. 120 experts are selected
based on goal directed method and their availability as sample. According to
the findings of this study, pivotal spirituality and ideologist, Public
support, authoritative and revolutionary leadership and management, and
martyrdom seeking are among the most important elements of strategic pattern of
commanding and management in the Islamic Republic of Iran armed forces


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