Keyword Index


  • Agility Components Dimensions and the components of agility of military organizations [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 281-304]
  • Agility Dimensions Dimensions and the components of agility of military organizations [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 281-304]
  • AHP Evaluation and selection of the highest employee satisfaction factors using AHP and correlation methods(Case study one of the units IRIAF) [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 281-296]
  • Air defense Battlefield Air Defense Strategy and Frugality (Scenario of an imaginary threat in Khoozestan Battlefield) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 5-26]
  • Air threat Battlefield Air Defense Strategy and Frugality (Scenario of an imaginary threat in Khoozestan Battlefield) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 5-26]
  • Air traffic accidents The Impact of Multimedia Training on Reducing ulnerability in Aviation Management Capacity (Case Study of Air Disasters and Events) [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 117-132]
  • Armed forces Principles and codification of patterns of military orders in I.R.Iran armed forces [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 97-116]
  • Armed forces The Strategies for the religious and cultural Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 89-114]
  • Aviation industry management The Impact of Multimedia Training on Reducing ulnerability in Aviation Management Capacity (Case Study of Air Disasters and Events) [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 117-132]


  • Basic needs Developing strategies of passive defense in the economic war with the approach of providing basic needs of the people. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 93-116]
  • Battlefield Battlefield Air Defense Strategy and Frugality (Scenario of an imaginary threat in Khoozestan Battlefield) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 5-26]


  • Competency measurement pattern Designing Measurement Pattern of the Competency of IRIAF’s senior commanders with asymmetric warfare approach [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 231-232]
  • Content Analysis In the case of progressing in the civil affairs and according to Imam and leader ship , speech , constitutional law experiences of Islamic republic of Iran organization and Utilizing the successful experiences of human [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 297-318]
  • Cultural theories Globalization in Accordance to Cultural Theories of Islam and the West [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 305-328]


  • Defense diplomacy Strategies for Achieving Sustainable Security through Defense Diplomacy Based on Imam Khamenei's Viewpoint [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 63-88]
  • Defense Organization Strategies for Achieving Sustainable Security through Defense Diplomacy Based on Imam Khamenei's Viewpoint [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 63-88]
  • Defensive Strategies Geopolitical Economic Factors Affecting Defensive Strategy of Islamic Republic of Iran in the Zone of Eastern North of the Country. [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 35-62]
  • Dimensions of competencies Designing Measurement Pattern of the Competency of IRIAF’s senior commanders with asymmetric warfare approach [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 231-232]
  • Disagreement Influential components of the non-physical threats of terrorism to public safety at the national level [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 325-344]
  • Discourse Analysis Discourse Analysis of Velayat-e faqih in direction Affairs of Information and Communication Technology of the IRI system with Quantitative research and qualitative. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 133-156]
  • Discourse of Velayat-e Faqih The doctrine of Friday prayer management in the analysis of the Velayat-e faqih discourse. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 251-274]
  • Distributing efficiently Developing strategies of passive defense in the economic war with the approach of providing basic needs of the people. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 93-116]
  • Doctrine Survey and recognition of Variable Doctrine Substance and Principles of war [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 5-32]
  • Doctrine The edition of delegate of the supreme leader and political-ideological of the armed forces’ doctrine based on Imam and the supreme leader’s speech and constitution [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 211-232]
  • Doctrine The doctrine of Friday prayer management in the analysis of the Velayat-e faqih discourse. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 251-274]
  • Documents Principles and codification of patterns of military orders in I.R.Iran armed forces [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 97-116]


  • Economic Capacity The role and place of economic growth in the resistive economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 179-202]
  • Economic Crisis Review of “Economic Resilience” Components based on Global Experiences (Case Study; Selected Countries) [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 233-258]
  • Economic Damage The role and place of economic growth in the resistive economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 179-202]
  • Economic Experiences Review of “Economic Resilience” Components based on Global Experiences (Case Study; Selected Countries) [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 233-258]
  • Economic Growth The role and place of economic growth in the resistive economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 179-202]
  • Economic justice The model of economic justice within the framework of the resistance economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 203-228]
  • Economic Resilience Review of “Economic Resilience” Components based on Global Experiences (Case Study; Selected Countries) [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 233-258]
  • Economic Sanction The model of economic justice within the framework of the resistance economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 203-228]
  • Economic Security Relations of Threats and Pathology in the Sphere of National Security (A case study on sanction resolutions against I.R. Iran) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 139-162]
  • Economic war Developing strategies of passive defense in the economic war with the approach of providing basic needs of the people. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 93-116]
  • Educational Needs Educational Needs Assessment Strategic Social Issues [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 203-224]
  • Educational Needs assessment Educational Needs Assessment Strategic Social Issues [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 203-224]
  • Effective factors Obstacles to the implementation of overall policies of passive defense in Govermental Organizations [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 233-258]
  • Empowerment The Strategies for the religious and cultural Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 89-114]
  • Energy Context Recognition of energy context in the field of military from theStandpoint of using nanotechnology capabilities [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 275-294]
  • Experiences In the case of progressing in the civil affairs and according to Imam and leader ship , speech , constitutional law experiences of Islamic republic of Iran organization and Utilizing the successful experiences of human [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 297-318]


  • Family Invastigating the cansequences and threats of social networks (telegram, line, viber, etc) in the collapse of families. [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 163-182]
  • Field Of Military  Recognition of energy context in the field of military from theStandpoint of using nanotechnology capabilities [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 275-294]
  • Foreign Policy Strategies for Achieving Sustainable Security through Defense Diplomacy Based on Imam Khamenei's Viewpoint [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 63-88]
  • Friday Prayer The doctrine of Friday prayer management in the analysis of the Velayat-e faqih discourse. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 251-274]
  • Future Wars The effect of religious values and moral principles of the sacred defense war and future wars (Case Army) [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 137-158]


  • General Policies Obstacles to the implementation of overall policies of passive defense in Govermental Organizations [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 233-258]
  • Geopolitical Economic Factors Geopolitical Economic Factors Affecting Defensive Strategy of Islamic Republic of Iran in the Zone of Eastern North of the Country. [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 35-62]
  • Globalization Globalization in Accordance to Cultural Theories of Islam and the West [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 305-328]


  • His Eminence the Supreme Leader The Pattern for Performance Evaluation from the Viewpoint of His Eminence the Supreme Leader [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 157-178]
  • Holy Defense future war The role of the great reliers and seminaries in the sacred defense and its use in the possible future war (with an emphasis on soft warfare) [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 5-34]
  • Horizon Scanning Review the requirements of the Horizon Scanning Based of superme leader statements [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 343-367]
  • Howzeh The role of the great reliers and seminaries in the sacred defense and its use in the possible future war (with an emphasis on soft warfare) [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 5-34]
  • Human Resources The Pattern for Performance Evaluation from the Viewpoint of His Eminence the Supreme Leader [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 157-178]
  • Hypocrisy Influential components of the non-physical threats of terrorism to public safety at the national level [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 325-344]


  • Imam Ali’s patronage the role of experience in managerial knowledge making in the Imam Ali's life style [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 319-342]
  • Imam and the supreme leader’s speeches The edition of delegate of the supreme leader and political-ideological of the armed forces’ doctrine based on Imam and the supreme leader’s speech and constitution [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 211-232]
  • Information and communication technology (ICT) Role of Information and communication technology(ICT) in knowledge base defense [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 107-124]
  • Information superiority Role of Information and communication technology(ICT) in knowledge base defense [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 107-124]
  • International context Globalization in Accordance to Cultural Theories of Islam and the West [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 305-328]
  • Islamic Awakening Identify opportunities and threats of the Islamic awakening and prioritize them, with an emphasis on dialogue, Imam Khamenei (may Allah grant him) [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 49-68]
  • Islamic Iran Investigating the role of geopolitics as one of the dimensions of the pattern Islamic Iran Progress in the field of defense-security [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 145-162]


  • Job satisfaction Evaluation and selection of the highest employee satisfaction factors using AHP and correlation methods(Case study one of the units IRIAF) [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 281-296]


  • Knowledge management The role and impact of knowledge management model for the transmission of culture war [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 52-82]


  • Law Principles and codification of patterns of military orders in I.R.Iran armed forces [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 97-116]
  • Leadership The Role of Strategic Thinking in Promoting Martial Power of Military Organizations With mphasis (Subtle forces of combat power) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 49-78]
  • Locating Identify opportunities and threats of the Islamic awakening and prioritize them, with an emphasis on dialogue, Imam Khamenei (may Allah grant him) [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 29-48]


  • Maraje Ezam The role of the great reliers and seminaries in the sacred defense and its use in the possible future war (with an emphasis on soft warfare) [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 5-34]
  • Mass media Invastigating the cansequences and threats of social networks (telegram, line, viber, etc) in the collapse of families. [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 163-182]
  • Military Organizations The Role of Strategic Thinking in Promoting Martial Power of Military Organizations With mphasis (Subtle forces of combat power) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 49-78]
  • Military Organizations Dimensions and the components of agility of military organizations [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 281-304]
  • Military strategies Battlefield Air Defense Strategy and Frugality (Scenario of an imaginary threat in Khoozestan Battlefield) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 5-26]
  • Military Strategy Identify opportunities and threats of the Islamic awakening and prioritize them, with an emphasis on dialogue, Imam Khamenei (may Allah grant him) [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 29-48]
  • Mission.   Principles and codification of patterns of military orders in I.R.Iran armed forces [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 97-116]
  • Multimedia education The Impact of Multimedia Training on Reducing ulnerability in Aviation Management Capacity (Case Study of Air Disasters and Events) [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 117-132]


  • NahjohlBalaghe the role of experience in managerial knowledge making in the Imam Ali's life style [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 319-342]
  • Nanotechnology Recognition of energy context in the field of military from theStandpoint of using nanotechnology capabilities [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 275-294]
  • National economy The model of economic justice within the framework of the resistance economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran. [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 203-228]
  • Nonaka-Takeuchi - model The role and impact of knowledge management model for the transmission of culture war [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 52-82]
  • Non-physical Threats Influential components of the non-physical threats of terrorism to public safety at the national level [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 325-344]


  • Office of Information and Communication Technology Discourse Analysis of Velayat-e faqih in direction Affairs of Information and Communication Technology of the IRI system with Quantitative research and qualitative. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 133-156]


  • Panic Influential components of the non-physical threats of terrorism to public safety at the national level [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 325-344]
  • Pathology Relations of Threats and Pathology in the Sphere of National Security (A case study on sanction resolutions against I.R. Iran) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 139-162]
  • Pathos Relations of Threats and Pathology in the Sphere of National Security (A case study on sanction resolutions against I.R. Iran) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 139-162]
  • Performance Evaluation The Pattern for Performance Evaluation from the Viewpoint of His Eminence the Supreme Leader [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 157-178]
  • Principle Discourse Analysis of Velayat-e faqih in direction Affairs of Information and Communication Technology of the IRI system with Quantitative research and qualitative. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 133-156]
  • Public Security Feelings Influential components of the non-physical threats of terrorism to public safety at the national level [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 325-344]


  • Ranking Obstacles to the implementation of overall policies of passive defense in Govermental Organizations [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 233-258]
  • Reasonable Principles and codification of patterns of military orders in I.R.Iran armed forces [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 97-116]
  • Relationship Investigating the role of geopolitics as one of the dimensions of the pattern Islamic Iran Progress in the field of defense-security [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 145-162]
  • Resistance Economics The role and place of economic growth in the resistive economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 179-202]
  • Resistive Economy Developing strategies of passive defense in the economic war with the approach of providing basic needs of the people. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 93-116]


  • Sanctions Relations of Threats and Pathology in the Sphere of National Security (A case study on sanction resolutions against I.R. Iran) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 139-162]
  • Senior Commanders of IRIAF Designing Measurement Pattern of the Competency of IRIAF’s senior commanders with asymmetric warfare approach [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 231-232]
  • Sharia Principles and codification of patterns of military orders in I.R.Iran armed forces [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 97-116]
  • Smilarities and differences Survey and recognition of Variable Doctrine Substance and Principles of war [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 5-32]
  • Social Networks Invastigating the cansequences and threats of social networks (telegram, line, viber, etc) in the collapse of families. [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 163-182]
  • Storing enough goods Developing strategies of passive defense in the economic war with the approach of providing basic needs of the people. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 93-116]
  • Strategic Issues Educational Needs Assessment Strategic Social Issues [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 203-224]
  • Strategic Management Explaining and Prioritizing the Dimensions and Components of the Hajj and Pilgrimage System of the Islamic Republic of Iran. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 225-250]
  • Strategic thinking The Role of Strategic Thinking in Promoting Martial Power of Military Organizations With mphasis (Subtle forces of combat power) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 49-78]
  • Strengthening Economy Review of “Economic Resilience” Components based on Global Experiences (Case Study; Selected Countries) [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 233-258]
  • Superiority sub-factors Assessing Sub-factors of Superiority Factors with Asymmetric Threats Approach [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 79-96]
  • Supreme Leader's Guide Designing of Economic Defense Strategies (Based on the guidelines and documents of the Supreme Leader) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 117-138]
  • Supreme Leader Statements Review the requirements of the Horizon Scanning Based of superme leader statements [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 343-367]
  • SWOT Strategies for Defense Cooperation of the Islamic Republic of Iran with Turkmenistan [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 295-324]


  • Taking example the role of experience in managerial knowledge making in the Imam Ali's life style [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 319-342]
  • Target Discourse Analysis of Velayat-e faqih in direction Affairs of Information and Communication Technology of the IRI system with Quantitative research and qualitative. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 133-156]
  • Template Investigating the role of geopolitics as one of the dimensions of the pattern Islamic Iran Progress in the field of defense-security [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 145-162]
  • Terrorism Strategies for Achieving Sustainable Security through Defense Diplomacy Based on Imam Khamenei's Viewpoint [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 63-88]
  • Terrorist Threats Influential components of the non-physical threats of terrorism to public safety at the national level [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 325-344]
  • The Implications of Soft War for the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Political Legitimacy The Implications of Soft War for the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Political Legitimacy [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 159-178]
  • Thematic Analysis Review the requirements of the Horizon Scanning Based of superme leader statements [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 343-367]
  • Threat Relations of Threats and Pathology in the Sphere of National Security (A case study on sanction resolutions against I.R. Iran) [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 139-162]
  • Threat Identify opportunities and threats of the Islamic awakening and prioritize them, with an emphasis on dialogue, Imam Khamenei (may Allah grant him) [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 49-68]
  • Threats The Impact of Family Television Satellite TV and Coping Strategies [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 229-258]
  • Timely securing Developing strategies of passive defense in the economic war with the approach of providing basic needs of the people. [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 93-116]
  • Trend Analysis Political scenarios by Iran's foreign relations and developments in the region after Saudi Arabic (1391) to the period from 1404 Hijri [Volume 17, Issue 76, 2019, Pages 163-184]


  • Using Technology Recognition of energy context in the field of military from theStandpoint of using nanotechnology capabilities [Volume 17, Issue 77, 2019, Pages 275-294]


  • War The effect of religious values and moral principles of the sacred defense war and future wars (Case Army) [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 137-158]
  • War Principle Survey and recognition of Variable Doctrine Substance and Principles of war [Volume 17, Issue 75, 2019, Pages 5-32]


  • Young Generation The Strategies for the religious and cultural Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader [Volume 17, Issue 78, 2019, Pages 89-114]