Keyword Index


  • Alavi Approach Designing an Suitable Model Evaluating the Performance of Commanders and Top Managers Corps based on the Approach of Alavi [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 123-146]
  • Armed forces Social and cultural relations with the armed forces and its impact on the efficiency of the armed forces [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 89-117]
  • Authority Analysis of interaction between scientific authority and national authority [Volume 14, Issue 63, 2016, Pages 93-114]
  • Awareness The survey of electronic intelligence role for I.R.IRAN surprise prevention and proper model presentation(with air collection emphasize) [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 163-194]


  • Basic expectations The basic expectations of Supreme Commander-in-Chief Grand Ayatollah Imam Khamenei (may Allah grant him) fromThe Basij Mostazafin Organization [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 113-140]
  • Basij mostazafine The basic expectations of Supreme Commander-in-Chief Grand Ayatollah Imam Khamenei (may Allah grant him) fromThe Basij Mostazafin Organization [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 113-140]


  • Coastal Development Development of MAKRAN Coasts by Consideration of Sea Power Rehabilitation [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 5-32]
  • Commanders and senior Navy commanders and senior executives strategic empowerment strategy in the cultural sphere [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 31-43]
  • Competence Designing an Suitable Model Evaluating the Performance of Commanders and Top Managers Corps based on the Approach of Alavi [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 123-146]
  • Corps Designing an Suitable Model Evaluating the Performance of Commanders and Top Managers Corps based on the Approach of Alavi [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 123-146]
  • Cultural Sphere Navy commanders and senior executives strategic empowerment strategy in the cultural sphere [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 31-43]


  • Defense and Security Relations Political Factors and Indicators Affecting the Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran'sSecurityDefense Relations with Turkey [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 57-80]
  • Defense Strategy Turkmenistan's geopolitical factors affecting entrepreneurs the opportunity to develop a defense strategy Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 243-260]
  • Defense Strategy The Impact of South Caucasus Geopolitical Factors on the Defense Strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 5-30]
  • Displaced Strategic model for Refugees discourse based on the supreme leader [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 47-75]
  • Doctrine Explaining the role of education and research in the development of asymmetric warfare doctrine in the Army Avition [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 147-167]
  • Document features maritime threats Design strategic model civil defense southern ports with an emphasis on document features maritime threats [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 49-70]


  • Economic Soft Power The Eslamic Repablic Of Iran Economic Soft Power Strategies Against War Arrogance [Volume 14, Issue 63, 2016, Pages 5-27]
  • Economic Soft Power The Eslamic Repablic Of Iran Economic Soft Power Strategies Against War Arrogance [Volume 14, Issue 63, 2016, Pages 115-140]
  • Education and research Explaining the role of education and research in the development of asymmetric warfare doctrine in the Army Avition [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 147-167]
  • Efficiency Social and cultural relations with the armed forces and its impact on the efficiency of the armed forces [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 89-117]
  • Empowerment Navy commanders and senior executives strategic empowerment strategy in the cultural sphere [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 31-43]


  • Forum velayat-e faqih Strategic model for Refugees discourse based on the supreme leader [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 47-75]
  • Future Wars The Role of Human Resources in the Development of asymmetric Warfare Doctrine in the Army Avition [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 5-25]


  • Geopolitic The Impact of South Caucasus Geopolitical Factors on the Defense Strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 5-30]
  • Goals companents for construction adminstration armed forces retirement based on dialogue velayat-e faqih (goals , doctorin and policies) [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 119-137]
  • Govermental Organizations Design strategic patterns of overall policies of deployment passive defense in Govermental Organizations [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 139-163]
  • Grounded theory method Designing an Suitable Model Evaluating the Performance of Commanders and Top Managers Corps based on the Approach of Alavi [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 123-146]


  • Hauteur The Eslamic Repablic Of Iran Economic Soft Power Strategies Against War Arrogance [Volume 14, Issue 63, 2016, Pages 5-27]
  • Hauteur The Eslamic Repablic Of Iran Economic Soft Power Strategies Against War Arrogance [Volume 14, Issue 63, 2016, Pages 115-140]
  • Havanirooz doctrine The Role of Human Resources in the Development of asymmetric Warfare Doctrine in the Army Avition [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 5-25]
  • Human Resources Agile strategic indicators of human resources major combat units of land suitable for asymmetric threats [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 23-56]


  • Immigration Strategic model for Refugees discourse based on the supreme leader [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 47-75]
  • Innovation Indicators of innovation and creativity in agility of the military organizations [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 27-47]
  • Integrated port Design strategic model civil defense southern ports with an emphasis on document features maritime threats [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 49-70]
  • Intelligent power Smart defense theory in the defense thought field [Volume 14, Issue 63, 2016, Pages 29-47]
  • Iraq The impact of natural geopolitical defensive strategy against the Islamic Republic of Iran in America's military threats from the origin Iraq [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 217-242]
  • Islamic Republic of Iran The impact of natural geopolitical defensive strategy against the Islamic Republic of Iran in America's military threats from the origin Iraq [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 217-242]


  • MAKRAN coasts Development of MAKRAN Coasts by Consideration of Sea Power Rehabilitation [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 5-32]
  • Maritime/marine authority Explaining of Operational Strategies Compilation Components of Islamic Republic of Iran Navy through Achieving Marine Authority [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 99-121]
  • Meta policies Design strategic patterns of overall policies of deployment passive defense in Govermental Organizations [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 139-163]


  • Nationality Strategic model for Refugees discourse based on the supreme leader [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 47-75]
  • NAVY strategy Development of empowerment strategies for commanders and senior managers of the strategic navy of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 261-286]


  • Of vigilance creates opportunities Turkmenistan's geopolitical factors affecting entrepreneurs the opportunity to develop a defense strategy Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 243-260]
  • Operational Strategies Compilation Explaining of Operational Strategies Compilation Components of Islamic Republic of Iran Navy through Achieving Marine Authority [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 99-121]


  • Performance Evaluation Designing an Suitable Model Evaluating the Performance of Commanders and Top Managers Corps based on the Approach of Alavi [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 123-146]
  • Policies companents for construction adminstration armed forces retirement based on dialogue velayat-e faqih (goals , doctorin and policies) [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 119-137]
  • Political Factor and Indicators Political Factors and Indicators Affecting the Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran'sSecurityDefense Relations with Turkey [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 57-80]


  • Refugees Strategic model for Refugees discourse based on the supreme leader [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 47-75]
  • Roadmap Pathology technology roadmapping models , identify challenges, and recommendations for improve it [Volume 14, Issue 63, 2016, Pages 49-72]


  • Scientific Authority Analysis of interaction between scientific authority and national authority [Volume 14, Issue 63, 2016, Pages 93-114]
  • Sea power Development of MAKRAN Coasts by Consideration of Sea Power Rehabilitation [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 5-32]
  • Sience and Power Analysis of interaction between scientific authority and national authority [Volume 14, Issue 63, 2016, Pages 93-114]
  • South Caucasus The Impact of South Caucasus Geopolitical Factors on the Defense Strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 5-30]
  • Strategic control Network - centric strategic control model for defensive industries of Islamic republic of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 77-97]
  • Strategic Navy Navy commanders and senior executives strategic empowerment strategy in the cultural sphere [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 31-43]
  • Strategic Navy Force Explaining of Operational Strategies Compilation Components of Islamic Republic of Iran Navy through Achieving Marine Authority [Volume 14, Issue 64, 2016, Pages 99-121]


  • Tehran City Tehran,s Strategic behavioral Traffic Model [Volume 14, Issue 65, 2016, Pages 71-88]
  • Threat effective features of unbalance threat to operat of army aviation [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 141-162]
  • Threat The impact of natural geopolitical defensive strategy against the Islamic Republic of Iran in America's military threats from the origin Iraq [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 217-242]
  • Turkey Political Factors and Indicators Affecting the Security of the Islamic Republic of Iran'sSecurityDefense Relations with Turkey [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 57-80]
  • Turkmenistan Turkmenistan's geopolitical factors affecting entrepreneurs the opportunity to develop a defense strategy Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 14, Issue 66, 2016, Pages 243-260]