Keyword Index


  • Air defense The role of air defense in stability of national power of Islamic republic of Iran (I.R.I) [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 63-86]
  • Armed forces lements of Strategic Pattern of Commanding and Management in Islamic Republic of Iran Armed Forces [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 73-94]
  • Arm serviced Present of Supreme Leader’s Mental System in Field Of Corresponding Relations of Society and Arm Services [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 177-202]


  • Caspian Sea The impact of Economic factors 0f the geopolitics of the Caspian Sea, on Iran's defense strategy [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 99-124]
  • Cloud computing A secure architecture framework for defensive network [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 27-46]
  • Combat power – strategy – Unmanned aerial vehicle – Islamic republic of IRAN arm services – threat present of strategies for improving utilizing unmanned aerial vehicle to increase of combat power of Islamic republic of IRAN’s arm services [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 153-176]
  • Commanding and Management lements of Strategic Pattern of Commanding and Management in Islamic Republic of Iran Armed Forces [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 73-94]
  • Comprehensive Defense Comprehensive defense strategies in the field of science and technology [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 51-72]
  • Comprehensive Defense Development of comprehensive defense strategies in the field of culture [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2018, Pages 75-98]
  • Convergence Investigating the opportunistic and threatening factors in relation to the UAE and the role of each in convergence or divergence [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 87-108]
  • Crisis Management Explaining the Factors Affecting the Command and Control System of the Non-Operating Defense Organization [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2018, Pages 5-28]
  • Crisis Management Strategies of the Activity Approaches of Islamic Republic of Iran’s Army (IRIA) in Crisis Management [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2018, Pages 53-74]


  • Defense Strategy The impact of Economic factors 0f the geopolitics of the Caspian Sea, on Iran's defense strategy [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 99-124]
  • Defensive infrastructures A secure architecture framework for defensive network [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 27-46]
  • Defensive network A secure architecture framework for defensive network [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 27-46]
  • Department of Math Defending Fields of Performance of the Department of Defense Math in the Decision Making and Decision Making Structure Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2018, Pages 139-164]
  • Divergence Investigating the opportunistic and threatening factors in relation to the UAE and the role of each in convergence or divergence [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 87-108]


  • Economic geopolitical factors The impact of Economic factors 0f the geopolitics of the Caspian Sea, on Iran's defense strategy [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 99-124]
  • Effective factors Explaining the Factors Affecting the Command and Control System of the Non-Operating Defense Organization [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2018, Pages 5-28]
  • Elements lements of Strategic Pattern of Commanding and Management in Islamic Republic of Iran Armed Forces [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 73-94]
  • Entropy Model Measuring the military threats of the Islamic Republic of Iran using the "Model of the Center for Strategic Studies AJA for Threat Assessment" (ETMSSC AJA) and comparing it with the results of the Shannon Entropy Combined Method and the Simple Weighting Model [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 95-120]


  • Future Wars Provide an organization's upgrade template for future combat wars [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 5-26]


  • ICT A secure architecture framework for defensive network [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 27-46]
  • ICT security A secure architecture framework for defensive network [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 27-46]
  • Imam and Leadership’s statements Strategic model for managing the literacy movement based on Imam and Leadership’s statements and Islamic republic’s experiences [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 165-187]
  • Imam Khamenei Research on the idea of "defense" in Imam Khamenei thought [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 5-24]
  • I.P.A The role of air defense in stability of national power of Islamic republic of Iran (I.R.I) [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 63-86]
  • Iran Rational Choice Theory: Russia’s Intervention in Syria and Its Implication for IR. Iran’s National interest [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 133-164]
  • IRI Regional security in West Asia: the Desirable Model for Iran [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 230-228]
  • IRIA capabilities in crisis management Strategies of the Activity Approaches of Islamic Republic of Iran’s Army (IRIA) in Crisis Management [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2018, Pages 53-74]


  • Mental system Present of Supreme Leader’s Mental System in Field Of Corresponding Relations of Society and Arm Services [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 177-202]
  • Military Doctrine The military doctrine is a modern-day agent in asymmetric wars [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 47-62]
  • Military Power Determine the extent of the impact of the opportunities and threats of Islamic awakening on defense -security policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran (With emphasis on the opinions and ideas of Imam Khamenei) [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 73-98]
  • Model Knowledge Management Elements in the IRI’s Ministry of Defense [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 25-46]
  • Model AJA Center for Strategic Studies for Threat Assessment Measuring the military threats of the Islamic Republic of Iran using the "Model of the Center for Strategic Studies AJA for Threat Assessment" (ETMSSC AJA) and comparing it with the results of the Shannon Entropy Combined Method and the Simple Weighting Model [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 95-120]


  • National interest Rational Choice Theory: Russia’s Intervention in Syria and Its Implication for IR. Iran’s National interest [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 133-164]


  • Opportunities and Threats Investigating the opportunistic and threatening factors in relation to the UAE and the role of each in convergence or divergence [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 87-108]


  • Policy Making Effective Dimensions in Designing Policy Patterns in the Field of I.R.I’s Defense Technology and Innovation. [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2018, Pages 29-52]


  • Rational Choice Theory Rational Choice Theory: Russia’s Intervention in Syria and Its Implication for IR. Iran’s National interest [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 133-164]
  • Regional Power Determine the extent of the impact of the opportunities and threats of Islamic awakening on defense -security policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran (With emphasis on the opinions and ideas of Imam Khamenei) [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 73-98]
  • Research and Development Fields of Performance of the Department of Defense Math in the Decision Making and Decision Making Structure Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2018, Pages 139-164]
  • Resistive Economy Strategic and Efficient Factors in Securing Basic Needs (Food) from the Passive Defense Standpoint with the Focus on the Resistive Economy [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 125-152]
  • Russia Rational Choice Theory: Russia’s Intervention in Syria and Its Implication for IR. Iran’s National interest [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 133-164]


  • Scene of battle Fields of Performance of the Department of Defense Math in the Decision Making and Decision Making Structure Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 16, Issue 74, 2018, Pages 139-164]
  • Science and Technology Comprehensive defense strategies in the field of science and technology [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 51-72]
  • Simple Weighting Model Measuring the military threats of the Islamic Republic of Iran using the "Model of the Center for Strategic Studies AJA for Threat Assessment" (ETMSSC AJA) and comparing it with the results of the Shannon Entropy Combined Method and the Simple Weighting Model [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 95-120]
  • Social and Cultural Ideas The military doctrine is a modern-day agent in asymmetric wars [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 47-62]
  • Strategic Balance Presenting strategic model to measure IRI airpower for creating effective balance over enemies. [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 47-72]
  • Strategic Pattern lements of Strategic Pattern of Commanding and Management in Islamic Republic of Iran Armed Forces [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 73-94]
  • Sustainable Development Presenting the strategic model of the health system administration through the development of the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran on the basis of the discourse of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Constitution [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 109-132]
  • Syria Rational Choice Theory: Russia’s Intervention in Syria and Its Implication for IR. Iran’s National interest [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 133-164]


  • The Quran Explain the teachings of jihad jihadist influence on the morale of the armed forces. [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 5-26]


  • UAE Investigating the opportunistic and threatening factors in relation to the UAE and the role of each in convergence or divergence [Volume 16, Issue 73, 2018, Pages 87-108]


  • Velayat-e-Faqih discourse Velayat-e-Faqih Discourse in the Administration of Health Affairs [Volume 16, Issue 71, 2018, Pages 169-192]


  • West Asia Regional security in West Asia: the Desirable Model for Iran [Volume 16, Issue 72, 2018, Pages 230-228]