Keyword Index


  • America Global reflection of the destruction of the American Global Hawk spy drone over the territorial waters of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2022, Pages 45-72]
  • Armed forces The Strategies for the skill and practical Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 105-134]


  • Balance Organizational factors affecting the desirable behaviors of law enforcement personnel of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 5-30]
  • Balance Responsibility at the level of the Islamic Revolution based on the thought of the Supreme Leader [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 211-244]
  • Brokers Organizational factors affecting the desirable behaviors of law enforcement personnel of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 5-30]
  • Brokers Responsibility at the level of the Islamic Revolution based on the thought of the Supreme Leader [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 211-244]


  • Defense diplomacy Strategic model of defense diplomacy of Islmic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 266-245]
  • Dimensions Problems whit Skills-based trainings in the armed forces I.R.I [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2022, Pages 73-94]
  • Doctrines Explan the teachings of political and Diplomacy in the Recent triple wars in the Southwest Asia and How to turn Military Victories into Political Achievements [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2022, Pages 5-24]
  • Doctrines Explan the teachings of political and Diplomacy in the Recent triple wars in the Southwest Asia and How to turn Military Victories into Political Achievements [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2022, Pages 25-44]


  • Economic Security The role of economic stability and security in the model of resistance economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 55-80]
  • Empowerment The Strategies for the skill and practical Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 105-134]


  • Future Environmental monitoring of drivers and trends affecting future threats from the perspective of knowledge-based defense [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 135-158]
  • Future Wars Investigating the role of small birds in future wars [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 159-182]


  • Geoeconomic factors The role of geoeconomic factors in promoting the geopolitical weight of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Persian Gulf [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2022, Pages 159-180]


  • Islamic Revolution Organizational factors affecting the desirable behaviors of law enforcement personnel of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 5-30]
  • Islamic Revolution Responsibility at the level of the Islamic Revolution based on the thought of the Supreme Leader [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 211-244]
  • Islamic World Security Understanding the Strategic Components of Security in the Islamic World with the Approach to the Solidarity of the Islamic World [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 31-54]


  • Landscape Presenting a Convergence Model of Maritime Security in the North Indian Ocean with Emphasis on Military and Economic Areas [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 191-214]
  • Landscape Typology of land management in the northern provinces of the country [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 215-239]


  • Macroeconomic Stability The role of economic stability and security in the model of resistance economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 55-80]
  • Military Power" A new model for balancing military power with an emphasis on naval power [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 4-44]
  • Military thought Explanation of the intellectual foundations of Western military thought [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2022, Pages 95-114]
  • Military Threats Environmental monitoring of drivers and trends affecting future threats from the perspective of knowledge-based defense [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 135-158]
  • Model Design Designing a model for evaluating the realization of the defense policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 94-73]
  • Monitoring Environmental monitoring of drivers and trends affecting future threats from the perspective of knowledge-based defense [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 135-158]


  • Persian Gulf The role of geoeconomic factors in promoting the geopolitical weight of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Persian Gulf [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2022, Pages 159-180]
  • Problems Problems whit Skills-based trainings in the armed forces I.R.I [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2022, Pages 73-94]
  • Propulsion Environmental monitoring of drivers and trends affecting future threats from the perspective of knowledge-based defense [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 135-158]


  • Resistance Economy The role of economic stability and security in the model of resistance economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 55-80]
  • Responsibility Organizational factors affecting the desirable behaviors of law enforcement personnel of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 5-30]
  • Responsibility Responsibility at the level of the Islamic Revolution based on the thought of the Supreme Leader [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 211-244]


  • Skills-based trainings Problems whit Skills-based trainings in the armed forces I.R.I [Volume 20, Issue 90, 2022, Pages 73-94]
  • Small birds Investigating the role of small birds in future wars [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 159-182]
  • Solidarity Understanding the Strategic Components of Security in the Islamic World with the Approach to the Solidarity of the Islamic World [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 31-54]
  • Solidarity of the Islamic World Understanding the Strategic Components of Security in the Islamic World with the Approach to the Solidarity of the Islamic World [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 31-54]
  • Space Presenting a Convergence Model of Maritime Security in the North Indian Ocean with Emphasis on Military and Economic Areas [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 191-214]
  • Space Typology of land management in the northern provinces of the country [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 215-239]
  • Statement of the Second Step of the Revolution Organizational factors affecting the desirable behaviors of law enforcement personnel of the Islamic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 5-30]
  • Statement of the Second Step of the Revolution Responsibility at the level of the Islamic Revolution based on the thought of the Supreme Leader [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 211-244]
  • Strategic model” Strategic model of defense diplomacy of Islmic Republic of Iran [Volume 20, Issue 89, 2022, Pages 266-245]


  • Typology Presenting a Convergence Model of Maritime Security in the North Indian Ocean with Emphasis on Military and Economic Areas [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 191-214]
  • Typology Typology of land management in the northern provinces of the country [Volume 20, Issue 88, 2022, Pages 215-239]


  • Young Generation The Strategies for the skill and practical Empowerment's of the young Generation of Armed Forces from the perspective of the supreme leader [Volume 20, Issue 87, 2022, Pages 105-134]