The Command and control network Resilience pattern against Cyber threats

Document Type : Original Article


faculty member


One of the threat areas from the point of view of passive defense; cyber threats and among them cyber resilience; It is the actions and predictions that must be done in a system to be prepared to face and deal with cyber attacks and intrusions and tolerate and adapt to the conditions of continuous occurrence and quick recovery and rehabilitation after the interruptions.
Therefore, a system is resilient when it has the ability to resist cyber attacks or incidents. The main goal of this research is to present the cyber resilience model of command and control systems and its sub-goals are to explain cyber threats, cyber vulnerabilities, dimensions and components of cyber resilience of command and control systems. This research is of an applied type and in terms of a descriptive method with a mixed approach, the researcher first uses the analysis and categorization of the proposed methods and solutions to explore the appropriate pattern, and in order to check the meaningful relationship between the dimensions and components using the factor analysis method, from the software It uses Smart PLS. factor load coefficients calculated for the three dimensions of command and leadership, control and supervision, and process and operation, respectively; It is 0.926, 0.917 and 0.920, which shows the high importance of these factors in increasing the cyber resilience of systems.
The cyber resilience model of command and control systems is presented in three dimensions of command and control with four components, control and monitoring dimension with four components, process and operation dimension with three components,against six threats and seven vulnerabilities (weaknesses).


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