Strategic principles governing the Soleimani School

Document Type : Original Article


Imam Hussein Comprehensive University of Management Faculty of Leadership and Jihad Management Department


The article is intended to explain the SuleimanI School and its strategic principles. The method of analysis is ijtihadic induction or content analysis. And its statistical community has been testamen and the words of the martyr Haj Qasim Suleimani and the words of the Supreme Leader, and the speeches and interviews with this great martyr's companions. Our research lead us to principles that lead us to the same place and position that made this great martyr. Principles that do not restrict time, place, ethnicity or religion, but preserve human identity and truth. These principles are integrated into four basic components that constitute human behavior namely knowledge and epistemic principles, values and attitudes principles, model principles and symbolic principles That the three principles of God are belief and certainty in His oneness, strategic thinking of the ascetic and the hereafter of the principles of thought And the sincerity in speech and action, the jihadist and revolutionary spirit, and the practical commitment to religion are values and motivational principles. And divine piety, Alawite endurance and religious management of the principles of the paradigm the orbital guardianship (vali jurisprudence), the love of God and his visit and the strategic decision making of the governorate were symbolized


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ب- سایت‌ها: