Expectations of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief From the armed forces of J.A. Iran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Assistant professor and member of the academic staff of the Higher University of National Defense and Strategic Research

2 Doctoral student of strategic defense sciences, majoring in defense policy, Da'a


In the holy system of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which originates from the teachings of pure Muhammadan Islam (peace be upon him and his family) and is based on the model of Islamic government, the Grand Ayatollah Imam Khamenei (as) and the Supreme Leader, at the head of the government There is a religion and an Islamic society. Determining the basic directions and general policies, as well as the overall leadership of the system, is one of the responsibilities of the Supreme Leader and also the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces. Through the relevant command hierarchy, they are in charge of the overall leadership of the armed forces. Therefore, this study tries to extract his expectations from the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran based on the statements of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces, Imam Khamenei (as). For this purpose, the main purpose of the research was to determine the expectations of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces from the Armed Forces; In proportion to that, the research question was formed. The method used in this research is thematic analysis with a qualitative approach of an applied type. The results of the investigation are based on the statements of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces (Supreme Leader) that the most important expectations of the Supreme Leader from the Armed Forces were counted in 14 cases


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